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Selectmen Minutes 06/04/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
June 4, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, D. Michael Paveglio, and Jamie A Pike, AA.

Others Present: Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Philip Hitchcock, and Thomas Houle.

Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Chief Clarke informed the Board that the new cruiser was in.  The Board was presented with 2 quotes for outfitting the new cruiser; Ossipee Mountain Electronics $3,405.00 and 2-Way Communications $3,389.16. Chief Clarke is also waiting on an quote from Adamson Industries.  Chief Clarke requested the Board to approve the quote from 2-way Communications, as it was the lowest presented, and they have previously outfitted the town’s cruisers.  While he anticipates the quote from Adamson Industries to be similar in price, he explained that it would cost more in personnel time, utilizing three cruisers and officers to get the old and new cruiser to Massachusetts and to return.  A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to waive the requirement for 3 written bids.  Motion  passes.  A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the contract for outfitting to 2-Way Communications in the amount of $3,389.16.

Mr. DeBold announced to the audience that the Board had received the resignation of Ms. Nancy Tanner from the position of Town Administrator.  Mr. DeBold read aloud the received letter.  A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept, with regret, the resignation of Nancy Tanner.  Motion passes.
Discussion furthered regarding the advertising of the vacant position of Town Administrator.  It was decided to advertise the position in the Sunday Monitor and other online resources and close the acceptance of applications on June 20th.  Further discussion will be had at the June 11th meeting regarding the interview process.

The Board discussed the interview process for the Highway position.  It was decided to meet on Monday, June 10th at 6:15pm to review the applications with Jim Plunkett.

Mr. Pike informed the Board that Dr. Mara may not be able to make it for 6pm at the Planning Board meeting.  It was decided to change the start time of the Planning Board back to 6:30 to assure his presence.

The Board reviewed the RFP that was prepared for the water pollution mitigation at the Bear Hill Road properties.  It was decided to issue the RFP as written.

Mr. Paveglio had previously requested information about replacement insurance on the new fire truck.  The Town was quoted approximately $500 per truck per year from LGC.  All eligible trucks need to be included in the program.  Mr. Paveglio suggested that the replacement insurance be included in the 2014 budget.

Ms. Andrea Deachman submitted a letter of interest in being appointed to the CIP Committee.  A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Andrea Deachman to the CIP committee to fill a vacant position.

With last week’s appointment of Mike Williams to the Planning Board creates a statutory conflict, being that two Planning Board members cannot sit on the same Land Use Board.  Both Mr. Jordan and Mr. Williams are now on the Agricultural Commission.  Mr. Williams previously stated that he was willing to step down from his position on the Ag Commission.  It was decided by the Board to request his resignation, leaving Mr. Jordan on the Ag Commission.

A request to use the Town Hall parking lot was received from George Foster for the Walter Sanborn auctions on June 22nd and 26th.  The request is for the entire parking lot on the 22nd and the upper parking lot for the 26th.  The Board agreed to allow the use of the parking lots as requested as long as Mr. Foster contacts Chief Clarke to discuss traffic control.

Mr. Pike brought forward a concern from a resident on Connemara Drive regarding vehicles parking in front of the cistern hydrant.  It was decided to add new No Parking signs to the location and request the police department to actively enforce such.

Mr. Jordan brought forward a compliment for the Town Clerk.  Linwood Mixer recently registered his car online and was quite pleased with the process.  Mr. Mixer also received an e-mail back from Evelyn Pike asking about the process.

The Board reviewed water testing results from the Fire Station that was completed by Hess.  A few of the results were questionable and want them to be reviewed by Nikki Roy from Sanborn Head and Associates.

Ms. Davis requested permission from the Board to add a page on the Website for the Chichester Garden Club.  This page would be located under the Agricultural Commission.  The Board decided to allow the webpage.

There was a lengthy discussion about the 50th Anniversary of Carpenter Park and Old Home Day (OHD).  This year’s OHD is August 17th and the theme is “Birthday”.  The Recreation Commission will work with the OHD committee in preparing an event for the anniversary.  The next meeting of the OHD committee is May 20th.  It was also decided by the Board that the theme for this year’s town report with revolve around Carpenter Park.

Ms. Chagnon asked the Board if they were going to pursue the sale of any of the Town owned properties.  Mr. Paveglio explained that there are very limited properties that may be sold that are not bound by some encumberance.  The Board discussed the sale of the recently acquired tax deed on Horse Corner Road and the parcel on Towle Road.  Both are encumbered by wetlands and have limited value.  It was decided that both of the parcels will be offered for sale.

Ms. Chagnon inquired as to the progress of planning a road side cleanup day.  A tentative date was set for June 29th.  

Other items of consent:
1.      A warrant for 70 unlicensed dogs was issued.
2.      The minutes of May 28th were approved as written.
3.      An abatement of taxes was issued to Anthony Palisi in the amount of $618.00 due to an erroneous billing.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Approved as written.

Jamie A Pike

_________________________       ___________________________     ______________________
Jeffrey Jordan                  Richard DeBold                          D. Michael Paveglio